Saturday in Knoxville

I went to Knoxville Saturday with my dad Chuck to help out with the show and to get some pics and it snowed all morning. Although it was colder than a well diggers butt it was pretty fun. Now I know its not like the storm thats racking the west and midwest but for Knoxville it was pretty cool..:-)

This is the park across the street from where the vendors set up, it was a winter wonderland for a little while.

This is the tree where I got my macro shots from yesterday.

And last but not least, this is Chuck’s booth where he sells his fine woodturning, from Peppermills to Maple Burl bowls and pens, he is a true multitasker. If anyone wants a cool gift for this year he has an online store at and will make custom items too. There is a link also on my blogroll.
Tomorrow will be an interesting shot, I finally got my nerve up and asked a young lady who was attending an Anime convention if I could take her pic..:-)

8 responses to “Saturday in Knoxville

  1. And here I thought I’d read………….and asked a young lady who was attending an Anime convention if I could take her out on a date!

    I love Chuck’s burl bowls and the slated maple peppermill he made…….I even suggested it to a certain someone but………… 😉

  2. Great shots Ed. I sure hope it’s not snowing next Sat. when I have to be Santa’s helper!! I can’t take the dampness, and the new hip still doesn’t like the cold!!

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